Monday, June 26, 2006

Logic is rare

One of the questions with the lowest percentage (only 11%!) of correct responses in one of those standardised tests.
    1. All education majors student teach.
    2. Some education majors have double majors.
    3. Some mathematics students are education majors.
Which of the following conclusions necessarily follows from 1, 2 and 3 above?
    A. Some mathematics students have double majors.
    B. Some of those with double majors student teach.
    C. All student teachers are education majors.
    D. All of those with double majors student teach.
    E. Not all mathematics students are education majors.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The NBA has not progressed

Since the article has been removed from ESPN, here's the main reason:

NBA basketball has reverted to the superstar formula. As Riley put it so well after Wade's shot in Game 5 that forced overtime, "There was no Plan B."

Pistons fans must concur. Think 2004 Finals: Team vs Assembly of Stars.

Monday, June 19, 2006


For the Australian Coach Awards organised by the Australian Coaching Council, the criteria for judging include:
  • has achieved outstanding results during the Award Period
  • demonstrates the ability to apply relevant training theory and coaching principles to improve the level of performance of the team or athlete
  • shows respect for officals, opponents and parents
  • practises and espouses a philosophy of fair play
  • presents a positive image of coaching and the role of the coach
  • demonstrates concern for the development of the athlete/s in and out of the sporting environment
  • has an accreditation with the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme coordinated by the Australian Coaching Council

Monday, June 12, 2006

NBA Finals Best 5

From an anonymous post:
Now here is the list of the best five players on the court in these finals....
1) Dallas' starting five
2) Dallas' first five reserves
3) Dallas' coaching staff (come on you don't think Avery Johnson still couldn't beat the Heat?)
4) Dallas' other two players and the towel boys (yes even with one player being suspended)
5) Heat's bench
6) Heat's starting five

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

X'mas 2005

Better late than never.

Attire sponsored by:
Mama (T-shirt)
Clowns (Pants)
Bit 5 (Headgear)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Flip Saunders SUCKS

Enough said.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Whole Package

Greatness can be that way. To have the single-minded drive to be the best also means that you're going to probably be deficient in one way or another. It's the same for everyone who strives for greatness in all walks of life. Some have the whole package, most don't. -- Anonymous comment about the Barry Bonds steroid scandal