Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas

Ever pondered the meaning of Christmas?

Last year, my mama's clowns aka FLA bought me peach bubble bath. It's an upgrade from the Dynamo I usually use. When I was polyester wonder junior, I used to use Dynamo and Softlan, but my mama decided Softlan goes bad from long storage, so I've had to endure being somewhat brush-like every time after I bathe. Actually, I think my mama just refuses to pay for Softlan. I love FLA, they bought me Enfant and A Little Fish for my birthday this year.

A certain Christmas eve was spent at Hello Orchard. Thoroughly traumatised by the crowds, my mama grabbed me, Polar and Lehbit into the Singtel shop and we just hid there for as long as we could. Another year, my mama attempted to repeat the bring-kids-to-jostle-with-crazy-x'mas-party-crowd feat. All we did was sleep in the car outside Cairnhill CC (free parking!), my mama never managing to summon the courage to step into the jampacked Newton MRT station.

My brother did end up making wennuanpai for me this Christmas. Ok, not my brother, mama rabbit rather. There's also a crocheted vest from my brother's aunt who came on a visit from Canada. I'm one lucky polyester wonder. And I'm so goddamn handsome. If you disagree, you are wrong.

The best Christmas message I uncovered this season is that of luck. "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

Peace on earth, and goodwill to all mankind.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Rabbit Me

This is what my brother did to my penguin socks. My brother's a rabbit, so I suppose I got to be one too, in some way.

The socks keep my threadbare ears from losing more polyester, so it's fine if you think I look like a jester. Way back in those days when all I wore was my beautiful snowy polyester, Mr Feynman taught me, what do you care what other people think?

Bye Bye 07-146

My mama sold her flat. She told me. Nice little place at Holland Village. I must have been there once or twice, I don't remember. My mama never said much when we're there, but I know she loves the place.

It's strange how human beings grow attached to things. A watch, a car, a house. OK, a softtoy. It's even stranger how they ally themselves with concepts. God, karma, reincarnation, whatever. Blind faith? Faith is blind by default.

What's even blinder? Love.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Greetings from Harbour Front

I'm at Mac. There's free internet access here. Service is good, you can sit here for hours without anyone harassing you. Mac rocks, except for the food. Read Fast Food Nation?

Seriously, selling apples (50 cents) and Berrynice yoghurt ($2.50) is not going to make people think of Mac as a healthy family restaurant. Family yes, healthy absolutely not.

I just spent a day at Siloso beach. My mama tried to swim. My brother tried to teach. But no success. Certain species of animals just can't do it. Certain things just can't float. It's nobody's fault.

The tiny keys on the tiny keyboard here are too small for my polyester paw. Later.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Down Upsided

Ever feel that the world is spinning out of control?

Hold it up with your hands, and your head (if it's big enough, like mine).


A word that starts with C

This (low band/high band) is one of the polyester wonder's favourite advertisements. You may have seen the actual event. Barcelona 1992. Derek Redmond.

It always makes me want to cry.

Brother, this is for you, with love.